The king noted that the idol was made of Ashtadhatu or eight different
metals, besides the Siva Linga in Setubandha Rameswaram. The deity is seated on a dambaru
and is Tri-Nayana. The sword, the gada, the munda, and the kharpara adorn her four hands.
The lion stands beside her.The Vamsa Prabha Lekhana has given some alternative names of
Paudi Devi. Some of them are Mandal- eswari, Hingu- lakshi and Ali. The Vamsa Prabha
relates that the Devi, who was in Rameswaram, decided to come over to Simhabhumi
In a playful mood, in the garb of a girl she came over there via
Keonjhar, Bonai and Jamda and this tract is called Paudi country. There is actually a sect
of Bhuiyas in this area known as Paudi Bhuiyas. At village Kointala the deity appeared in
a dream before the two brothers Khira and Nira by name and bade them to take her over to
Simhabhumi and tell the Raja there to provide her with food.
Khira followed the indication-and found the idol in a basket under some creepers. He
brought the image to Venugarh and, leaving her under a tree, went and narrated the whole
story before the king. But when they came back they found that she had disappeared.
However, she was traced into the river Sanjai, thanks to a dream to Khira that the Paudi
Bhuiyas hadconcealed her in the waters of the river Sanjai.