Out of the two Kachla was more shrewd and next day she reached the guru
earlier than Bachla. The guru gave her two mangoes to eat saying that that would bring her
two sons. Then reached Bachla with a similar hope but the guru told her that he had only
two mangoes, which were given to Kachla, and none was left with him now. She beseeched him
with prayers and supplications whereupon the guru was pleased to produce another mango
telling that on eating the mango she would give birth to a brave son who would prove to be
the death of Kachla's sons.
In due course of time both the ranis conceived;
the elder, Kachla, bore two sons, Arjun and Surjan; the younger rani, Bachla gave birth to
a son, who on the advice of the astrologers was named Guga. The legend goes on that when
Guga was born the blind regained their sight, deaf got back their audibility and the lame
were restored with their lost limbs. His birth was, therefore, hailed as divine and
celebrated with great pleasure. The elder rani became envious of Guga and started hatching
designs to finish him to clear the way for her sons to the throne.
To gain her evil objective the rani invoked the
help of the snake king (Basuki Nag) who deputed his son to fulfil the desire of Kachla.
Guga, brave as he was, killed the son of this snake king who then came forward himself to
bite Guga while he was swinging on ajhula. But Guga caught the Nag and was about to kill
him when the snake king implored mercy and begged for life. Guga granted this request
magnanimously. |