The problem will have to be faced squarely by the Government and the
people. An auspicious festivity had followed soon after the disaster and there was no
abatement in the zeal of the pilgrims in spite of many unprecedented difficulties. This
shows the deep veneration with which this temple is held.
Hindus constitute almost the entire
population of the district. There is a sprinkling of less than 3,000 Muslims and less than
2,000 Sikhs according to 1971 Census. Though numerically small, the Sikhs have six
Gurdwaras in the district at village Paprola (tahsil Ghamarwin), and at Bassi, Guru Kak
Lahaur, Harnora, Manjari and Mehla, (all at tahsil Sadr).
Vishnu, Siva and Devi (Durga) are the three
principal Deities of Hinduism worshipped in this district. There are a large number of
temples of Vishnu and His various manifestations. Shri Gopal temple at old Bilaspur now
submerged was the principal shrine that attracted the attention of all-old travelers and
pilgrims. |