The weaver, being a poor person, expressed his inability to do so. To
erect the temple a person resident of Harnora village, situated nearby, experienced a
queer happening; while asleep on his cot at night he would be thrown down by some
invisible power. On occupying the cot again he would again be brought down. This continued
for sometime until he prayed to the power that might be there to appear before him. The
Devi then obliged him and asked him that be, being a person of means, should erect a
temple to house her idol. He agreed and built the temple which is still extant"
Particular mention has to be made of a few
other Hindu cults with their many temples in this district. The devotees of any of the
three principal Hindu pantheon mentioned before could be a follower of these cults. These
cults appear to have emerged out of the stories of valiant heroes of divine saints. Guga
Chauhan a famous warrior had been associated with the Guga cult. Guga had been deified and
worshipped by thousands. Baba Balak Nath was a saint, was deified and the cult of Baba
Balak Nath or Dewat Sidh arose. Similarly Jhanda, an ancestor of Noiru Rajputs is
worshipped by many and stories of Jhanda's heroic deeds are fondly recited. |