Of these
comparatively recent or historical incarnations of Dattatreya, of which Gurucharitra
speaks, the frist is that of Shripad Shrivallabha. The life story of this avatar can be
briefly narrated thus. Dattatreya was one morning moving around begging for
'madhukari. He went to a house where a shraddh ceremony was in progress. It
is a common custom that no food is served to any one on such an occasion before the
priests are fed. But the lady of the house gave alms to the atithi, ignoring the custom.
Dattatreya was greatly pleased and offered a boon to the lady. She asked that she become
the mother of a son as worthy as the god. Tathastu he said. In due course she got a son who was christened Shripad.
The life of Shripad who was nothing else than an incarnation of Dattatreya, was full of
miracles and worthy deeds. At the time of his vratabandha or thread-ceremony, the child
recited all the four Vedas. When the boy attained maturity the parents became keen on
marrying him The young man refused to marry any girl as he was already wedded to
Yoga; and asked their permission to proceed for pilgrimages. The old woman pleaded
with him in all manner but in vain. Their other children were lame or otherwise disabled
and if Shripad deserted them who would look after them in their old age?
Shripad merely cast a glance at his brothers and all were
rid of their deformities; became strong and healthy. This perhaps released him from
the immediate responsibilities of his parents and pt their permission to depart on his
pilgrimage- although so before be promised
them to come and meet them when. ever they desired to see him. Then ensued a long treck of
the various tirths and kshetras of the land. At a place named Kuvarpur he found a lady
along with her son, on the point of committing suicide. Shripad dissuaded her from this
folly although not before she had extracted two favours from him. The son was a dullard
and that was the cause of the ladys extreme action ; now he was turned into a
brilliant pundit. Secondly, the woman got a promise that in the next birth she would beget
a son of the stature of Shripad Shrivallabha. This incident made Kuvarpur famous as a
centre of Datta worship and a number of people were able to get the benefit of the
benevolent and kind nature of Shripad. This avatar came to a close on the twelfth day of
the second fortnight of Ashvin. |