Temples & Legends Of
Maharastra |
Temples & Legends Of
India |
The stage of
the next scene is a place named Karanja in Berar. There stayed a man named Madhav in this
village. His young wife gave birth to a son who was, as soon became evident, dumb. The
parents were naturally greatly distressed to see their very first offspring without
speech. The child performed various miracles to reassure them, but not till one day when
he turned an iron hammer into a golden one before their very eyes were Madhav and his wife
convinced of his supernatural powers. The child then
let them know that he would be able to speak only after his maunji bandhan was performed.
The only sound that emanated from his mouth till then was 'Om. He was named
Narahari. At the time of his thread ceremony the boy recited all the four Vedas and the
six Shastras. This was not an ordinary feat and the people knew that here was a child of
divine powers. As in his previous birth, Dattatreya sought the pemission of his parents to
proceed for pilgrimage. There was a similar plea from his mother. The boy tried to comfort
her by tendering advice as to the impermanent nature of the material world. But the woman,
worldly as she was, still insisted on Narahari not leaving them. Ultimately he told her
that they would get more sons and daughters to took after them and promised to stay with
them till they got another son. Accordingly he continued to be with his parents for
another year and then left in search for knowledge. |
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