proceeded to Kashi. where his determination and grasp impressed the learned pundits so
much that one of them, Shri Krishna Sarasvati requested him to accept and preach the
Sanyas marga. This the young man readily accepted and was rechristened Nrisimha Sarasvati.
On his attainment of true knowledge he undertook a pilgrimage of all the places of
religious significance. His itinerary included Gaya, Prayaga, Badri - kedar and so on.
After nearly twenty-four years he returned to Karanja to meet his aged parents. They were
overjoyed to see this illustrious son. The villagers vied with each other to honour him
and the great Swaminassumed as many forms as the number of villagers desirous of worshipp-
ing him. The Swamin blessed his parents with ultimate bliss or moksha, and after a few
days halt at Karanja proceeded south- wards.Hence forth till the close of this
avatar, the time of Shri Nrisimha Sarasvati was spent in helping needy people and
preaching the doctrines of dharma. Various miraculous deeds have been recorded.