The Bhavani happens to be the
kula-devata, the family deity of numerous families of Maharashtra; the most important of
which was the family of the Bhosales to which Clihatrapati Shivaji belonged. It is a
common custom among these families to.visit the place for the darshan of the devi after
some auspicious occasion like child birth or marriage. It will be recalled that a similar
Custom in existence in relation to the Mahalakshmi at Kolhapur. Several types of , ows are
taken by the devotees before the goddess- There is no rule as to how the goddess should be
satisfied. People come and ask for anything, for the cure of a disease, for averting some
divine or supernatural curse, for begetting children, for proper marriage relationships
and so on. As stated before, this day is known to be jagrit and hence is an object of
Sakama-bhakti. Filling of the lap of the devi, the shearing of the locks of an infant,
presentation of 11oral garments etc. are common forms. Some methods peculiar to this place
are as follows, Till some hundred and fifty years ago, the slaughter of animals and
drinking of liquor in the name of the goddess were quite common practices. But now these
practices have fallen into disuse. To become a member of the Sampradaya of the devi, to
signify one's entry into this sect one has to wear a pota, a cotton torch, a bamboo basket
and a garland of Kavadis. Another method is known as, Bhade. An earthen pot is broken in
two, in one part a handful of rice grains are put and upon this a lamp is lighted. The
devotee who has to fulfil the navas takes this part on his head and goes to take the
darshan of the devi. Then there is the Idandavat'. The person starts from the place where
he is staying and goes to the temple, laying himself prostrate after some five steps. A
similar rite is performed while circumarnbulating the shrine instead. Married women
sprinkle kumkum in the entire courtyard of the temple and inside it. In the performances
of most of the rites the services of the upadhyayas of the temple are necessary and the
devotee has to pay fixed charges for particular rites he wants to perform. The lowest Tate
for filling of the lap starts with a rupee and quarter and goes up to twenty-five rupees
for the normal modes. |