name Brihaspati must, therefore, have been borne by more than one priest in charge of the
temple of Somanatha at Devapattana or Prabhasa. The
honours which Tripurantaka received induced him to realise the hopes of the Chaturjataka
and to spend considerable sums on the Tirtha.
The following verses (40-46) inform us that he
(1) built 5 temples,
(2) dedicated 5 statues,
(3) erected a Torana (a sort of triumphal arch) supported by 2 pillars.
The five temples were situated (verse 40) to the north of
the Mandapa or hall of the temple of Someshvara, close to the splendid old water-clock.
[Ghatikalaya, modern Gujarati ghadial, any kind of time-piece; and on the site 'vasam
adhisthitani -standing on the dwelling of' may mean either that the five temples were
built on the site of an ancient decayed temple or that the site was sacred to the god
mentioned. Vasa means 'the precincts of a sacred building.' |