circumambulatory passage around the garbhagriha was 9 feet 6 inches wide. On the west,
however, no traces of this exist since the site has been very badly pillaged. The
available plinth of the garbhagriha measuring 3 feet in height was all plain save
the medial recesses. The bot tom of the outlet which was 5 feet 11 inches higher
than the outsid ground level was the first floor-level inside the garbhagriha.
Between this and the ground-level, the core of the filling consisted of Kanjur stone
masonry pointed with lime mortar. On the south 20 to
21 feet away from the outside face of the Phase I temple, was encountered a Kanjur stone
retaining wall 6 feet high, 10 feet wide at the base and battered on both sides to a width
of nearly 8 feet at the extant top. This is a prephase I wall since some of the
stones in the foundation of Phase I are seen over-riding and are, therefore, structurally
later than the Kanjur stone wall which, presumably, was a part of an independent
structure. |