this phase in the garbhagriha, only one course of stone and a few floor stones were left.
The circumambulatory passage was of the same width as that of Phase I. The plinth of this
phase was not available within the width of the trench. Phase III. -This phase, ascribable to Kumarapala (A. D. 1169), witnessed an
enlargement of the temple. It is significant, however, that the size of the garbhagriha
remained the same whereas the pradakshina marga was extended to an overall width of about
12 feet. It, how ever, did not result in any raising of the floor-level in the
garbhagriha, since, between A. D. 1030 and 1169, there was no invasion of the temple to
warrant the desecration of the linga and the same, therefore, continued to be worshipped. |