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We can very well compare this incident with the birth of Jesus Christ at Jerusalem where the three wise men of the east followed the beacon light and arrived at the holy manger. It is written in the Bible: "Behold, the star that they had seen in the east went before them until it came and stood over where the child was." Madurakavi made diligent enquiries and learnt all about the incidents connected with the wonderful child, which neither opened its eyes nor moved, but took its abode under the tamarind tree. He found the child Saint Nammalwar absorbed in meditation seated in the posture of Padmasana. His eyes were closed, his right hand was half-raised, the palm was open and the thumb and first finger were joined in Jnanamudra proclaiming him to be a spiritual teacher. Madurakavi doubted whether there was any life at all in the seated statue-like figure before him. He desired to test it and accordingly lifted a big stone and let it drop on the ground so as to produce a thud and startle the motionless figure, if it had life. That made the figure open its eyes and bless Madurakavi with Heavenly Grace. But its mouth remained sealed as before. Madurakavi thought that the child might be dumb after all. So another test was necessary.

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