Mother of the Universe took pity on them and killed the demon in a fierce battle and
relieved them of their sufferings. The place where the Devas first met the Devi, came to
be known as Kandadevi (Kanda means 'seen' in Tamil', - The fort which was built by the
Devas for the Devi to reside in s known as Devakottai or Devakottai (Kottai means fort).
The present town of Devakottai has derived its
name thus. The place where the demon was conquered is known as Vetriyur (Vetri means
victory); the place where the flag-mast of the Demon's chariot was broken into two is
known as Kodikulam (Kodi means flag and Kulam means tank); the place where flowers were
showered by the Devas on the Devi returning with victory after killing the Demon, is known
as Poongudi (Poo - means flowers). |