Temples& Legends Of Tamilnadu
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Temples & Legends Of India


Immediately he chose Pushpakasi for the task and sent her back to earth. She killed the demon and restored peace in the land. She did not like to stay on earth after fulfilling her mission and so made further penance praying to Siva to call her back to Heaven.

Parashurama, who happened to note the austere penance in which this virgin was engaged, installed her image together with a Vinayaka, in tile firm belief that she alone could save the land, which had been reclaimed from the sea, from being swallowed by it again. In this connection, it is necessary to mention here that the mainland of Bharata Varsha had in ancient times extended far beyond the present southern-most point. The land was known as the continent of Lemuria and it probably connected Madagascar and Africa in a contiguous strip. The first Tamil Sangarn was held in a place now under the sea. The ocean gradually swallowed up that area. Now, at the request of Parashurama, this virgin Mother faced the South and arrested the further march of the sea.

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