desire was intense but the weakness of the flesh and the heat outside thwarted his desire.
When the desire is sincere and that too of an ardent devotee, the Lord at once takes steps
to remove the obstacles in the fulfillment of his devotee's desire. Dhenupureeswara
immediately ordered his servant disciples (Bhootaganas) to erect canopies of pearl
throughout the way so that Jnanasambandar, his beloved disciple, could comfortably
traverse the distance without being affected by the heat of the midday sun.
The Command was immediately executed and
Jnanasambandar proceeded to the temple. 'The celestial beings are no exceptions to the
ties of love. A loving son pines to see his parents and any delay or obstruction hangs
heavily on his mind. God seeks man as ardently as man seeks God. When Jnanasambandar was
pining to have a darsan of the Lord, his Father, Dhenupureeswara, the latter was also
pining to see his son Jnanasambandar, reciprocating the same feelings. |