was a prince-charming. His exterior was pleasing and attractive.
People craved for a sight of his regal bearing and lovely stature.
Literally ha was the chip of old block - Asoka Priyadarshin i.e.,
dear to the sight. He was blessed with a pair of black, beautiful,
broad eyes that used to cast a spell on the beholders. They
heightened his beauty by lending charm to his majestic personality.
His magnetic demeanor inspired admiration in male friends and
ignited passionate love in female-folk. But alas! he fell a victim
of his own beauty. It was that, that brought him woe and misery.
did not live long to see her son's glory. She died premature,
plunging her loving husband and worthy son in irrecoverable sorrow.
For Asoka, it was a death blow. He was unable to bear the pangs of
her absence. He grew sick and mad. Although he realised that man is
but mortal, the heavy loss oppressed him deeply. He lost taste for