Asoka Priyadarsin
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Temples Of India


Nay, it is making a tearful appeal to it to communicate its woeful tale to its author in the high heaven for his reappearance to usher in the 'Dharma Rajya' once again, and to turn this damnable doleful dreadful world into a Paradise of plenty and perpetual peace. And eternal bliss. 

Will not the merciful heaven depute him soon to set the wheel again in motion?                                                 

Will not the anguished wails of the lacerated souls hasten him down?

Will not the righteousness regain its former glory?

Will not that tearful appeal move its author?

Will not the discontent be buried alive?

How long have we to wait for it?

Where from will it emerge?

How long Oh God !

How long !!

How long !!!

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