the Kaliyuga, at the instance of Sage Vedavyasa, this kshetra once
again started demonstrating its apurva mahima. Many puranas inspired
people to visit it for emancipation. When people visited this and
offered prayers to Sri Kanteswara popularly known as Nanjundeswara,
after taking bath in the confluence of Koundini and Kapila rivers,
they were freed from sins and went to swarga direct. So Yamaloka was
found deserted and Yamadharmaraja and his staff enjoyed eternal
holiday,as it were. But this state of affair is quite against the
nature of creation. When Yamadharmaraja was brooding over this,
Narada advised him to meet Kalipurusha not enter into this kshetra,
fear of punishment by Siva but he could establish his ;wav beyond
for the limits of this punyadhama. So, Kalipurusha and
Yamadharmaraja confined themselves to their dominions and discharges
their duties. On account of this, Garalapura locally famous as
Nanjangud has been relieving the devotees from physical ailments
during lifetime and releasing them from the cycle of deaths and
births after life. It is indeed a veritable Bhukailas, as the true
devotees enjoy eternal communion with Lord Maheswar, if visited-Snana
at the confluence and pana of the thirtha ensures eternal
bliss. This is neither exaggeration nor phantasy but the actual fact
recorded in the Government records, where sincerity to the
authenticity is paramount. Hence most trust worthy. One of the
recent occurrences fortifies this belief and it is certified by a
Muslim devotee who called Nanjundeswar as Hakim Nanjunda and
overjoyed at the out come of sincere prayers to the presiding deity.
Elaboration pays and drives home the truth to remain permanent in
the minds and prepares the wavering minds to visit and enjoy the
bliss showered abundantly by that All-merciful Bhagawan
Nanjundeswara on devotees irrespective of man made distinctions.