Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


The 1Yadava Big Three -2Balarama, 3Krishna, and 4Satyaki,
For a walk fancied, when the weary son was closing his work 
Captivated by the spectacles of Nature bathed in colourful dusk 
Feasted by the stately clouds draped in multi-coloured garb 
Thrilled by the fascination of the myraid scenes silvan 
Lulled by the fantastic pegeants of bewitching panorama 
Carried off by the mellifluous symphony of birds on wing 
They reached the heart of luxurious, growth of pathless woods.

When pitch darkness of the thick foliage awakened the time sense, 
They realised-Night had enveloped the world with dark wings 
And extended sway-keeping man in read and the beast in glee 
With sounds harsh shapes ghastly, subverting the balance in Nature 
Then said Satyaki, "Staying here over night is better than going 
Besides witnessing the glory of Night and its changing phases 
Can avail the nightly sights of Nature, 'red in tooth and claw' 
Okaying the proposal outright, they searched for a place of rest.

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