Episodes Versified
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Blow for blow arid hit for hit, exchanged they without break 
Earth began quivering as the echoes' reverberated unending 
Satyaki's boiling rage, nor his ton weight blows bore any fruit 
Ironically, it grow in strength, shape and size minute by minute 
Yes, horizontally and vertically, till becoming a man-mountain 
His zest for fighting reached the apex with diminishing of Satyaki's 
Why, at every blow received his hidden energy multiplied and went on 
At last he moved off thrusting aside the Satyaki's corpse-like body.

Satyaki rose up gasping later, to hand over the charge to Balarama 
Sooner than done; he fell down unable to speak even a word 
While Balarama was in office scrupulously attending to duty 
The very same giant in much worse ghastliness re-entered 
The feeling of incarnation ignited his pride of supererogation 
Out went his poise and down flowed anger-pride's inveterate ally 
What a miracle, the giant started growing fast in awful ferocity 
Faster than Balarama's uncontrollable anger mounting higher.

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