Mighty Atoms For Tiny Tots
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Temples Of India


A case of overdose! Though it is firmly embedded in your heart, it gets inflated in the act of forceful eviction, it inflicted on 'jealousy' which besides enjoying its unlawful occupation claims equal rights over the heart. Being light and young it tries for a flight, when compelled. But caged as it is in the physical frame, it does not succeed. So it dangles in the vacuum. When it dangles, you waver and grumble. And hence you descend to a lower level. Thus you fall prey to the temptations, the Satanic Evil sets before you.

Generally the victim first grows greedy. Greediness is a vice-a demon that rises on the subjugation of noble virtues. And it is such a treacherous enemy that it is bent upon destroying its foes-the virtues first and the owner next. When it starts stalking along the highway, the unwary falls victim. It relishes the delicious dish obtained by unlawful means. Since the ill-gotten delicacy is extremely luscious, the goblin avarice stretches its claws longer and out-steps its limitations. It then takes a hideous shape and grows into gigantic proportions. It is now called 'ambition', in its perverted state. This generally grows quick, moves faster and does the deadliest in a trice. For, it is aided and betted by its sweet-totted, soft-tongued and ever-smiling companion called 'Deception' in plain language, and 'diplomacy, in bombastic or euphemistic jargon. When they agree upon the partnership ventures, the day willingly shrink in its shape and shortens its duration giving place to the trespassing, long staying dark night, allowing 'Ambition' and 'Deception' to carry on their joint operations assisted by 'like minds'.


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