and Perseverance are indeed the most powerful weapons that could conquer the
unconquerable. If you keep them at your beck and call and make them serve your
will, you will blossom into an exemplary rare person capable of receiving
international adoration and following. Own them, and win fame. Though both are
indispensable for success, 'faith'
the mother must he won first. If the mother turns your side, 'perseverance' her
faithful, sweet daughter joins you forthwith. Win the mother first and woo her
daughter next. Wedded to the daughter united in wedlock, you should start going
ahead in the direction of light.
as you do in the world simmering with the dreadful manifestations of 'Evil', you
realise very soon that
your journey is made irksome, as well as risky. Jealousy, one of the ugly manifestations
of 'Evil' bumps out from its hide-out and enters into the innermost recess of
your heart and makes you grow envious of those who possess glittering objects
and ever enchanting things. It makes you aware of your limited sources against
the awe-inspiring abundance that meet your eyes. Naturally your eyes sparkle at
the elusive glamour they posses and upset your mental poise for a while. In
consequence, you become blind to the stark realities of the world. Your
self-confidence which is in surfeit owing to -the company of the newly acquired
sweet bride gets started a little and loses its grip.