incubates carnal desires and they thrive in it. They give asylum to 'betting', 'perjury',
drinking and duplicity. If once they are invited they ardently try for
consolidating their position and paint their owner with indelible colours.
Slowly he emerges a full-fledged, blood-thirsty despot with abnormal appetite
that could likely swallow even the Himalayas at a single gulp. Murder and
butchery appear naked everywhere, since that blood-hound becomes a dealer, as it
were, in blood and flesh now onwards. He starts wading through pools of blood,
strewn with mutilated heads and floating limbs. Of course, he reaches his goal
unaffected, as he is stone-deaf to the agonized wails of the innocent. For,
humanism touches him not, nor remorse dares meeting him. But he is not immune to
'Nemisis'. It approaches him at the right time and starts working against him.
First, it calls for the accounts and compels him to submit the balance-sheet. A
glance at it would throw a flood of light on his `liability' column which being
out-grown its limits has encroached on the 'assets' column. The enormity of his
liability and its dastardly composition strike him blind and capsizes him
by utter despair, he releases the remaining satanic forces in reserve, against
his adversaries to repair his broken future. Ironically they close him from all
sides and take him captive, only to throw him into hell-fire for total
consumption. Thus ends up the career of the over ambitious individual, who
is not schooled in virtues, and consequently is at war with the world and
nature. Why, with his own 'self' primarily. The war which he waged took its origin
in his own self, which is ill disciplined and ill-formed. Hence the woe.