The power- lust that propels the wheels of the war can
never take it to the goal, nor could it wring veneration at any time. The
history mankind is bristled with the ignoble deaths of f he powermad blood-thrity
war-mongers, serving as a severe
warning to 'like-instincts' than example. Indeed, the glory of war is anything
but 'Zero'.
Robert Southy in his little narrative poem traces out ironically the out-come of
bloody wars fought and perpetrated by blood-hounds. Through the sweet
conversation of the sweetest blossoms of mankind-the tiny tots, he proclaims to
the whole world in resounding tones, the futility of wars. The innocent enquiry
of the children leading up to the monumental conclusions, teaches invaluable
lessons to mankind. Obviously, the divine wisdom enshrined in their pure, noble
hearts leaps up surprisingly to petrify the sin-laden, materialistic minds. The
listeners gape with wonder and admiration at the pronouncement of such a truth
of truths applicable to the entire humanity, and for all times. It is worthy of elucidation.
Hence the case for narration.