hit the target, I believe, the poems can better be taught in the form of
address, laying enough stress on the central idea. And resorting to repetition
of it with several vivid picturesque images.
calls for active involvement. The teacher's missionary zeal goes along way in
accomplishing this laudable ideal. On no account, the artistic embellishments of
the poems or the linguistic elegances be given any importance; they must be
sacrificed to the literal rendition i.e. totally subordinated to the elucidation
of universal truths enshrined in them. And it is for this alone, they find their
legitimate place in the curriculum.
following pages bear unmistakable evidence of the method envisaged. Indeed, I
made a conscious effort of translating, my ambition of instilling the sum and
substance of the universal truths into the minds of the tiny tots in the
fashion, I deemed fit and proper. A few of the cardinal moral principles are
selected and they are spread over one week--teaching them one each day for six
days and recapitulating their spirit on the seventh day. Incidentally, this
enables both the teacher and the taught to strike the balance sheet, reflecting
the stage of progress and to chalk out the programme for future.