that I have to do now to this slim volume is to add that part of thanks-giving,
which you know, is a MUST. I express thanks lavishly to my readers who in person
and by post sent their appreciation and have been reminding me now and then to
bring it under covers. Their number is more and tastes varied, say diametrically
apposed in some cases. Let me first mention one solitary example of adulation
an,! its aftermath. I approached in 1990 an eminent lawyer of enviable standing
and status, but unknown till then, for a little favour, and on hearing my name,
giving me seat in his innermost chamber, he said, "By accident my eyes
lighted upon your article printed under the caption, The Mighty Atoms for Tiny
Tots in Yuvabharati, bought on my trip of Kanyakumari. What an assemblage of
aphorisms and how well are they codified? That explication I liked, and carried
me the end. Done a good job for all". To be true, his legal brain exuded
literary fragrance and his genuineness touched me most. Later, his good offices
helped me a
lot. I thank that high-souled man, though I am unwilling to disclose his
identity for certain reasons.
Certainly a disapprobation. The reverse of the same coin. Even though a little
bit caustic, it deserves space. Meeting me in the park. one reader friend
disclaimed. "Who will understand your bombastic diction'' For whom do you
write? Do you expect the reader keeping a dictionary in one hand, and your
book in another. Sorry, it's horrible though the morals are well arrayed ......"
I wasn't disappointed. nor drew him into argument. since his observation is true
to some extent. The only errors I committed. I admit frankly. is resorting to
pleonasm and repetition. I am conscious of them, but my assumption. approach,
and finally argument do need such elements. Moral teachings are rarely simple
and plain-the kernel is seldom hidden in thin cellophane envelope. Its shell is
hard and demands strain before relishing. I believed in it and so did that
deliberately. Any how, it is a kind of style combining merits good and had.
Unequally I feel. Except one or two of that bitter gourd brand remarks, rest
were that of honey drops and I swallowed them smacking. So I thank all for their
frank and free expressions.