Be ashamed of your self
for all these. So I warn you hereby, Take care! Do not meddle with others, or
interfere with
their affairs. You deserve mending ..........." Obviously the listening
mountain stood gagged, confused and confounded. As the mountain stood stupefied
and petrified at the torrential out flow of such thunderous declamatory counter
charges, the lively, yet mighty little squirrel wended its way towards its bough
with a majestic gait befitting the occasion.
What an interesting quarrel! How fine is the charge? Finer still is the
countercharge! And the finest is the composition. A grand legend! Nay, a marvel,
lesson indeed!
If we dig deep
into this episode, we are sure to get an invaluable gem of a truth. Whoever
erred, or whatever might be the outcome of such error, one thing is certain. The
world is composed of all kinds of things-small and big, good and bad, useful and
useless, visible and invisible, living and non- living, and lastly movable and
immovable. But each has its place and each of them has a distinct quality and
hence a utility of its own.
the general scheme of creation, nothing is useless. Littleness need not be
despised, nor the hugeness be unnecessarily adored.