Some conceal their merits and others wear them on. Each serves the people
in its characteristic way and justifies its existence. It only depends upon the
wisdom of the user, whether to derive good or bad out of it. If the latent
potentialities are ably tapped, properly pooled, and ingeniously harnessed, they
can perform miracles, i.e., if they are put to constructive purposes, deserts
can be converted into paradises of plenty and bliss. And the very same could be
reduced to burial grounds, when they are used for destructive purposes.
the living creatures, especially in mankind gradations in the acquisition of
talents and skills do exist, revealing an infinite variety of the stages of
evolution. Every field of human activity displays all levels of developments.
But the point to note is that everything is useful and each has its specific
purpose. An object may inherently be useless and harmful to a layman, but it
yields contrary effects to an expert who carefully scrutinizes, investigates and
distills the good by making it cast off the dross. and gross clinging to it.
Conversely, even the good proves pernicious and poisonous to an immature and
ill-equipped person, who misuses it, or put it to abuse.