Temples Of North-West India |
Of India |
Earthly Abode of Lord Krishna |
Nandanavana of Yadunandana; that earthly Vaikuntha of
Bhagavathothamas; that terrestrial capital of Srimannarayana during
His short sojourn in the martyaloka; that make-shift stage of
Natanasutradhari for enacting Jagannataka; that meeting place of
celestials with terrestrials for embarking on the Dharmaoddharana
deals; that seat of the highest Judicature of Dwaparayuga; that
Divyarama from which the Yadava blossoms wafted inexhaustible sweet
fragrance; that veritable Concert Hall wherefrom the liquid notes of
mellifluous Venunada flowed down to lull the world, time and again;
that divya thirtha which is luring every brand of Vaishnava
sampradaya down the ages; that eternal pulpet specialised in
teaching the crafty statecraft to the craftier aspirants by the
craftiest Rajatantragna; that immaculate Premapita standing on which
the Jaganmohanakara revealed the mufti-dimensional forms of amara
Prema to love-lore Gopikas of my raid tastes, goes by the name of
Dwaraka. In the past and present too. It is situated on the,sacred
banks of river Gomati flowing in the North Western part of the then
Sourastra, now called Gujarat. That entire region is split up into
five parts and called Pancha Dwarakas-Krishna Dwaraka; Rukmini
Dwaraka; Okha Dwaraka; Beti-Dwaraka and Dwaraka submerged.
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