Its origin dates back to the time of Revatha, the great grand sun of
Manu, the Immortal Law-giver. It is recorded that Revatha was the
ruler of Anariha with Kusasthali as his capital. According to the
legendary account, Revatha desired to get his daughter Revalhi
married off to a deserving prince of exemplary character and
military prowess of his times. teen his trials met with failures, he
went straight to Brahmaloka fur advice and blessings from Vidhatha
Himself. Uclighte d at his approach, Brahma told that many centuries
had passed in the Bhuuluka by the time their conversation came to a
close; yet Ho tendered advice: that Revathi should be married to
Balarama, the. elder brother of Sri Krishna in the light of the
changed conditions. The divine injunction was implemented
implicitly. This is the first reference to, which was than called
Dwaramati Dwaraka,
the oilier name Raivathafor Kusasthali, the capital of the kingdom
Anarlha ruled by Raivatha.