The Temples Of North-West India
Major Sections
Temples Of India

The Earthly Abode of Lord Krishna

This Pouranic account from then grows eloquent; exuberant; pedantic and hyperbolic-all to ignite the dormant bhakti instincts in the readers with a view to make them proud of their birth in the land of spirit, and mould their life in such a way to become specimens for all times to come. So far, so good. But now comes the controversy regarding its location - Where did it lie? Was it in an island, or far off from it! Orient lists, Ideologists, Sanathanists and Research scholars have wrangled their heads over his knotty problem for long, each advancing his own finding and corroborating it with evidence, only to be refuted by others; for, according to Puranas that magnificent city of Dwaraka was sunk after the demise of Sri Krishna. Scholars like Dey, Altekar, Pargiter and Pusalkar opine that the modern town of Dwaraka is built on the original site of Dwaraka as described in the scriptures.

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About Dwaraka
You are Here! Origin..Pg3
The Present Temple
The Archamurthi..Pg1
The Archamurthi..Pg2
The Archamurthi..Pg3
The Archamurthi..Pg4
The Archamurthi..Pg5
Places of Itinerary Interest...Pg.1
Places of Itinerary Interest...Pg.2
Places of Itinerary Interest...Pg.3