was once a holy stream lying between the rivers Saraswati and
Drishadwati. And it is now reduced to a small tank lying on south
side of Kurukshetra University campus. It is equated with Gaya in
many respects, and it is said that a dip in it confers the same
merit as that of Gaya when bathed. So people visit it for bath.
several other worth-seeing places, the following deserve visiting,
both for offering prayers and feasting the eyes
with lovely modern structures. Kapil Thirtha, Prusti Thirtha, Deva
nhirtha, Vana T'hirtha, Mahadev Thirtha and Soma Karthik Thirtha are
but a few in the long list. All these need not necessarily testify
to the fact that only Hindu temples and their religion alone are
found dominating in this kshetra. Its religious tolerance and
catholic outlook can be seen in the existence of scores of
Gurudwaras, Masjids and Churches built side by side or in isolation.
And they are visited by thousands throughout the year and enjoying
equal attention and attraction by public and government.
must be made of the Mousoleum of Shaik Chelli, an important centre
of Muslim pilgrimage, and it is attracting pilgrims like any Hindu
temple round the year. As the Sikhs recognized and respected the
eternal truths of Hinduism, they visited this place and donated,
besides building Gurudwaras and Dharmasalas for their convenience.
Needless to emphasize that this punyakshetra is a meeting ground of
the major religions, and it is striving its best to foster unity
amidst the endless diversity.