Puranas recount that King Kuru, lured by the sacredness of the soil,
drenched by the crystal clear waters of Saraswati selected it for
cultivating the eight fold virtues; and to distribute the harvest to
mankind living all over the globe. Accordingly, one fine morn he
drove his golden chariot right up to the bank and made a plough
utilizing the gold of the soil. When ploughing with the Yama's
buffalo and Maheswara's Nandi, he borrowed on ardent supplication,
Devendra appeared on the scene and asked him, what he was doing and
spell out his real intention. Kuru expressed his purpose of raising
the most covetable eight fold virtues austerity, purity, chastity,
truth, kindness, forgiveness, yoga and continence. Puzzled at its
oddity, he asked as to where such seeds could be got. Kuru replied
that he was in possession of them in plenty. Skeptical Devendra
departed with a hysterical laughter, reflecting the impossibility of
the attempt.