last point is about plates. The object of adoration in all
Sivaalayas is invariably LINGA, and its shape everywhere needless to
say, remains same, although size varies. And colour too.
Moreover, photographing of the
Dhruvabera is strictly prohibited all over the world; only its
artistic copy in black and white, or colour is available and so a
few are included to give representation. In certain places the icons
of Siva in Uma Maheswar aspects are adored, and they too are
listened to the long account of my objective and the efforts I put
in to hit the target I think, the reader would certrainly turn
pages to test the veracity of narration, and if attempted, I deem it
great honour done to me; for, I am sure hundred percent that a
change would come over him even on reading a few pages, which
propells him to visit some places atleast. That is enough,
since that Almighty Lord abiding in in them definitely streches his
long, warm loving, hands to take him into his fold. Then begins his
work and that ends my part. Presuming my ambition will soon blossom,
if not bear instant fruit I wish to withdraw from the scene with a
suggestion for those, who desire to read elaborate accounts on some
of the temples, to read my books
published in two series referred to. Another information, if
needed - anything about the temples included may be obtained from
me, even the copies of my books at reasonally reduced price; for the
publication enterprise, I embarked upon is only to serve and widen
the horizon of the spiritual knowledge than to be profited by
write and obtain.