there can be no two opinions on the intentions of the humanist
sage-seers in causing the temples built by ruling class since the
blossoming of theism. With their inner eye-'antarchakshu',
they realized the infinite potentialities of the places of worship,
built for any god-head, as a matter of fact. They even incorporated
in their writings vividly the advantages of individual and
congregational prayers in temples,
along with ritualistic worship to the adorable gods. They installed
icons according to the agamic canons with mantra, yantra and tantra
of their own making and proved the efficacy of' temple worship. They
intended, rather intensely craved for the creation of the Vasudhaika
Kutumbham' - one world family through temples, and temples alone,
which invariably bring mankind under one roof, transcending all
barriers, like race, religion, caste, cult, age, sex A the like.
This tradition was honoured, and is being implemented down the ages
without any trace of doubt or contradiction.
none can gainsay the fact that the temples are, and have been the
citadels of culture, cradles of religion, centres of national
integration, since they cement the faith of the devotional community
in that All-Time-Highest and mould the life of mankind. The
emotional cohesion that emerges in the daiva sannidhis is beyond
This basic conviction impelled the philanthropists to enter the
arena and appease their devotional thirst through constructing
gigantic temples in the modern age, as
democracy has replaced the royalty. rise, their zeal and resources
may not match the fervour and involvement
of their models of the bygone past yet, their contribution is highly
commendable. For, some of the shrines that are built in this century
have claimed the additional advantage of catering to the
needs of the moderns, whose taste or
temperament is daubed with western paint, due to the impact of
foreign rule and spirit of the time.