is better to begin with the beginning. As we are stepping on
the very portals of the citadel of Vedantha Philosophy, awareness of
the basic concepts of theism and fundamentals of the paratattva of
the Supreme Reality, like its origin, connotation, import and
purport becomes a necessity of utmost importance. Certainly it
eases our comprehension and enhances the zeal for adoration, by
creating conditions congenial for its progress. Labour is holy
and pays dividends.
Don't we see
plants in their full bloom putting forth lovely blossoms fragrant,
and feasting the eyes of the spectators, if watered timely and
tended properly? So, let us now throw a quick look at the
preliminaries, like the meaning of the word SIVA. In its
entirety at it. But listen! Our source material is taken
from the scriptures written in Sanskrit. It is rather soaked
in it; use of its terminology is inevitable. But I
essayed to give their equivalents in English. So put up and