That Lord Siva To Be Adored
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Temples Of India


Moreover,  it is the wealth that confers passionlessness - niramayam; stainlessness - nirmalam and steadfastness - nirvikalpakam. It is a unique, supreme divine object, bereft of begining, middle and end - aadimadhyantarahita; and above form and name - naamarupaateetra. It is a divine word standing for the inseparable - akhandita; infinite - anantha; immanent - akhilasthalavyapka - inexhaustible, avyaya; irrepressibnle - ajeya; and ever real; ever beautiful and ever pleasant in form - nityasatyasundararupa, responsible for the very breathing. 

It is the cause of a well integrated, whole, huge and subtle, visible and invisinble, individual and collective corporal world - sthula sukshma, drishtyadrishtya, vyasti samsti caracaraprapancha. And the only bright, effulgent lilght, rulingm, directing, guiding, correcting, inspring and propelling the animate and inanimate cosmos. In brief, it is a word synonym for parabrahmam, Vishnu Paramatma and Parameshwar.


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