Vedas emphasise in unmistakable terms thus - "Sivaatparataram
nasti" - there is no greater god other than Siva; and this
Parabrahman Siva is superior to everyone and everything else in the
Yachchiva Saktyaatmakam thatchaktyantai Svaadhya Sudhaadya isthu
thathvaih Saiveemurthih Khaludevalayaa khyetyasmaad Dhyeeyaa
Pradhamam Chahipujyuaa".
This establishes
once for all, that it is Siva, and Siva alone is that supreme power
deserves to be remembered and worshipped first. The statement 'Ekam
Sat Vira bahuda Vadanti' corroborates, that this is the truth which
the learned men speak of in many ways. So, it appropriately called
Him - 'sarva sunya niralambasthala' means thereby, that Absolute is
without second; support; and this Adipurusha is above name, form and
tattva. And beyond the positive and negative attributes, together
with the concept of time also. It is
this Siva's supreme power of super consciousness - mahachaitanya,
that is manifesting in the atom of atoms, glory of glories, fragment
of the unfragmented, and one in all. In fine, Siva Himself is
Pranava, the Premordial Energy standing for the inexhaustible,
imperishable, immutable, invisible, immaculate, infinite power that
makes the diction accepts its inability to cover all His facets. He
is peerless and timeless. Hence the Saivagamas discard the notion of
pantheism or polytheism. They emphasise and advocate Absolute Monism
out and out.