That Lord Siva To Be Adored
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Temples Of India


Does the mere recognition of this truth universal lead one to goal ? Should it end there abruptly? Deep probe decides. No doubt that recognition itself is a major success  for realisation and indicates one's moving towards God-head. It very well reflects the maturity of mind, evolution of soul, -better say, the first sign of his one's casting off the slough of sin and stepping on the first rung of  the ladder connecting Heaven with this mundane world.  But it is not enough.  What then is to be pursued?  How to commence it?  Are the avenues opened to admit him for treading the righteous path, leading to the destination?  Can he undertake that ardeous journey alone, or does he require guidance?  What are the means and how to obtain them?  They have to be considered deeply, searched for laboriously and select suitably in the beginning itself.  Then remains one's clinging to them steadfastly, and finally implementing tenaciously till the goal is reached.


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About Sivaparatattva And Its Import
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