That Lord Siva To Be Adored
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Armed with such wisdom, I started gleaming the appropriate materials from the voluminous literature awaiting my touch. But here he problem of selection assumed such proportion that I was caught up in a maze of most intricate type. What should be the criteria, where to begin and how to end confronted me in its ghastliness; for he oddity and singularity attending on each temple history thoroughly subdued my powers of discration. Each temple has a bizzare background shrouded in mysticism and does not allow its elimination. Look ! How can I bypass such divine kshetras the scenes of incomparable two some miraculous acts of the Lord, like His turning sentinel to seep guard a demon's palace; begging in the streets to appease the hunger of a bhakta; bursting out from the linga to destroy the God of Death to save a devotee; donning the midwife's dress to help a helpless pregnant devotee in throes of severest type; sending millions honey bees to put to rout the formidable army of a ruthless conqueror trying to blow up the place of worship; forcing an iconoclast to retreating at break neck speed with a single piercing look; acting as messenger of love between the adorers; working as labourer to an old lady in distress; punishing the European officers for underrating the ritualistic prayer services; performing the funeral obsequies of a devout king like son; etc. etc. etc. 


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