To begin with, Ganapathy is to be invoked first along with
Kalasapuja -- worship of a brass vessel filled with water and mango
leaves. Mahanyasa or Laghunyasa hymns have to be invariably chanted;
and after that thirtha - chanted water is to be sipped. The chanting
of those hymns ensure the worshipper becoming Siva and his seeing
Siva in the image placed before him. Shodasopachara means sixteen
different type of services offered to the Lord. Of the sixteen the
first Vupachara is avahana - invoking Siva with the prescribed hymn.
means inviting Siva to come. When done soulfully, Lord Siva comes to
receive the worship. Now
follows the other Vupacharas one after another like,
manush stych team suddhach deoasuradhibhih Aradhayami Bhaktyatvam
man grihama Maheswaraa Esana awahayami.
Offering of seat to Siva. The hymn for this is
yajamahe sugandhim Pushtivardanam
Vurvarukamiva bandhanath mruthyormuksheeya Mamrutaat.