ritualistic worship has many forms.. Though agamas prescribed a set
pattern for everyone certain variations are found due to climatic
conditions and regional variations. Among the several kinds of
Prayer Services offered to the archamuthis, abhishekam has a special
significance and it is offered for deriving benefits of many types.
Abhishekam means the bathing ritual of the icon to the chanting of
special hymns as enjoined in the Agamasastras. First, the idol is
anointed with oil, or some other material and then bathed in special
water. It consumes a lot of time and money, and hence the
administrative authorities of temples charge sums ranging from tens
to hundreds, depending upon the nature of place and fame of the
are multitudinous kinds of abhishekams; as
many as 32, such as Chandanabhishekam, Panakabhishekam,
Panchamritabhishekam, Ikshurasabhishekam, Pannerabhishekam,
etc. Each has a special effect and confers a distinct merit on
the abhishekadars. In e temples advance booking is essential, and
devotees wait It for months and years to get their chance after
paying the amount.