Should that book confine itself to one deity alone, or a combination with many? Search
began for the source material, while caught up in the maze. And it ended on my bumping against a
great treasure - wisdom dawned that there are three more sects in Hinduism left untouched. For,
Shankara Bhagavatpada, after due deliberation and intensive churning of the Vedic
Ksheerasagara brought out six diamonds of purest ray serene, and since then they are adorning
Bharatamata shining in full splendour, set in the gem studded crown. His
inference that several
Hindu sects can conveniently and comfortably be brought under six heads was hailed as a piece
of divine, unbiassed, ever auspicious wisdom that set at rest the dogmatic, sectarian, baseless
and moor lost mufti-denominational wrangles ever at war for superiority. The classified six major
sects are-Saivam. Vaishnavam, Saktam, Gaanapatyam, Souram and Skandam or Koumaram and he
fixed the hierarchy too in accordance with their inner potentialities. Being all acceptable, rather a
praise-worthy effort. it was able to rejuvenate and revive the deplorable state of Hinduism
wrought by the impact of Jainism,, Buddhism and several tantric sects that virtually became
cancerous and gnawed at the vitals of the deathless Sanathana Dharma.