Temples For The Triple Sects
Major Sections
Temples Of India



In securing the source material, keeping in mind to giving a fair distribution to every state for these three deities included in this slim volume. my efforts were neither lacking in, nor slackened on any count. Though not a linguist, not even a polyglot I can read and able to converse in Telugu. English, and Kannada, but can understand and speak a few more languages. So I got the books written in other language read for me by the interested and devout which were later fixed them in the frame of my writing. I can say with certainty that nothing available in the South Indian Languages is left out. Hence the emergence of this Fourth compendium with the gists of 116 temples. Another! Where the information is available in English, Telugu, Tamil and Kannada. the write-ups received full. rather better treatment. Conversely, inadequacy resulted in their diminutive size. For some, I used the Folders published by the Tourism Department, and as their scope being guidance only to the tourists, they did not serve full purpose. So my exposure of their splendour remains poor. I, therefore, crave the readers' indulgences sincerely, for supplying a moderate account, but the given, I am sure, spurs devotional urge for a trip to those shrines for worship and spiritual benefit.


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