we come to Ganesh Mandirs. Although his place is deemed the highest, as
evidenced by the TRIO too recognising and revering him with utmost soulful
devotion, oddity again surfaced. Maharastra has monopolised this supreme deity
to the extent that there is no house, even in hamlets without some sot of his
representation on the lintel, in the Puja rooms, leave alone the towns and
cities throbbing with Ganesh Sampradaya in the well-built and superbly
maintained temples. Alas' again in some North Indian states, he is given a
nominal place, next to that of some sects taking precedence over everything as a
matter of fact. Indeed his icon or painted picture does find a place in all the
Saivate temples, but not, proportionate to his stature and status. Isn't then
the sectarianism to be pointed out? And it is the only real cause for such
de-recognition of his supremacy. But in no way denigration or defacing attempt
of his image is discernable. I essayed consciously and labouriously to give a
fair representation of his mandirs in every state within the available limited
means. but not satisfied wholely.