major annual festival falls in the month of Kumbham corresponding to
February - March. It is a ten day festival. On the eight day, the
festival reaches the pinnacle of festivity, when the Lord is
worshipped in a specially decorated Mandapa lying to the north east
This begins strangely enough at mid night, yet thousands and
thousands of Bhaktas coming from far off places participate lustily
and offer their mighty mite in cash. The Darshan of the Lord is quite
auspicious and it goes by the name of 'asthana mandapa darsana'. It
is the most glorious occasion to avail, when the Lord's
sports receive due recognition and propagation. Devotees who
congregate on this special occasion redeem their vows and offer
special prayer services to the Lord to enabling them cross the ocean
of Samsara.
Like the Ashtami festival at
Vaikom, this is celebrated
with due eclat and great piety. The large copper vessel kept in the
Mandap overflows with Kanikas offered by the devotees. It is the
most propitious time to take vows or redeem. Hence unmanageable