to legend once Lomarsha - Vyasamaharshi's disciple visited this
temple. During bathing in the temple tank, he slipped and fell down.
The onlookers enjoyed a hearty laugh; though it was unintentional.
The sage grew wild and cursed that the temple, would turn desolate
and the town depeopled for one thousand years. Alas! the curse ran
its course - for a period of thousand years, the entire region was
nothing but a thick forest infested with wild animals.
once when the Sage Bilwamangala Swamy visited this area, he found to
his shock desolation reigning supreme. He found the reason for
wilderness and discovered the Sivalinga after intensive search. He
offered then puja with redoubled ardour and ecstatic joy with
plantains and molasses he had brought for his own food.