procedure at the Bhadrakali Alayam has one or two more extras. The
Bhadrakali by assuming fierce aspect and raising voice drives the
spirit once for all, and it is signified by the falling of victim
unconscious. There is another practice of driving nails by the
victim into the paala tree grown on the north side of the shrine for
relief. And it is done at the instance and guidance of the
victim drives one or two nails into the paala tree hitting them with
fist or head against them. In some cases the priest enjoins the
offering of Guruthi - a solution made out of turmeric and lime water
to the deity. Normally those who hanker after material objects and
worldly prosperity offer this.
is heavy rush for this offering, and one has to book for it in
advance; moreover it is offered only on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Devotees carry this Guruthi home for burying it in the four corneas
of their dwelling to ward off the visitation of evil forces.