exact period of construction of the shrines and its traditions are
recorded elaborately in the Sthalapurana, and a casual reading
convinces one to the infinitude of MOTHER'S powers. Though this
temple does not claim heavenly connections, it has fantastic links
with the devil spirits. And the number of beneficiaries it has on
its list stuns the listeners.
this august deity wiped out the hot tears of thousands and thousands
of the possessed, she is thought of, and sought after, whenever
trouble arises from the invisible evil forces. And visitation is
advocated by one and all for sure cure. No victim ever returned home
hope-lost, nor the possessing devil ever returned to its victims, if
once it is seen by the fierce look of the MOTHER.
origin of this temple is quite queer and imbued with mystery. This
deity strangely enough emerged with the Abhayahastam and emancipated
a seasoned bandit first, who knew robbing most and extorting best.