The Kovils Of Kerala
Major Sections
Temples Of India




"We don't negate God, but want proof tangible", argues the scientist, if theism turns up in conversation by accident. "God! damn that colourless, shapeless, odourless biped. Seeing is believing. Nothing exists that cannot be felt by sensory organs" roaring thus the Nasthika, tries to pull the temple towers down. To his own level! "How can an invisible creature assume such forms numberless, wield powers peerless, and live timeless. Rubbish! Nothing but fraud!!!" thumping on the table the rationalist dismisses the theist from his sight. "How absurd it is to spend lakes of rupees on Kalyanothsavam of damnable black granite icons. 

It is nothing short of idiocy" shouting so, the iconoclast advances with a hammer to smash them. These subtle denials, or loud protests, besides belittling the theists culminate in crashing down of the age-old sacred shrines and sucking out the lives of idolaters. They did score victory by word of mouth, or show of fist in some places for sometime. Alas! they never dared disproving the disastrous effects of the sub- human evil powers, affecting several thousands, either by possessing persons, or haunting the houses they lived in. 

Aren't the exorcists making a roaring business, in certain parts? Why then the witchcraft practiced? Has not sorcery enjoyed its day! Hasn't the prevalence of Satanic forces proved and warded off with potent chants, pregnant with divinity and suffused with heavenly power? Weren't the wicked influences of evil spirits neutralized by the spiritual powers?

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About RajaRajeswari Of Chottanikara
The Episode Of Kannapan...Pg.1
The Episode Of Kannapan...Pg.2
Emergence Of Devi....
Devi Rewarding....Pg.1
Devi Rewarding....Pg.2
The Temple Complex
The Archamurthi...Pg.1
The Archamurthi...Pg.2
The Archamurthi...Pg.3
The Archamurthi...Pg.4
Sastha's Role
The Story Of Yakshi...Pg.1
The Story Of Yakshi...Pg.2
The Story Of Yakshi...Pg.3
The Story Of Yakshi...Pg.4